
[Leetcode]450. Delete Node in a BST(C++)


题目链接:450. Delete Node in a BST

Given a root node reference of a BST and a key, delete the node with the given key in the BST. Return the root node reference (possibly updated) of the BST.

Basically, the deletion can be divided into two stages:

Search for a node to remove. If the node is found, delete the node. Note: Time complexity should be O(height of tree).


root = [5,3,6,2,4,null,7] key = 3

Given key to delete is 3. So we find the node with value 3 and delete it.

One valid answer is [5,4,6,2,null,null,7], shown in the following BST.

Another valid answer is [5,2,6,null,4,null,7].



  • 该节点为子节点,没有任何子树,直接删除即可
  • 该节点只有一子树(左/右子树),将该节点换成不为空的子树根即可
  • 该节点有两子树,我们可以选择将该节点的值换成左子树最大值/右子树最小值,然后删除被替换的节点即可。由于左子树最大节点肯定没有右分支;右子树最小节点肯定没有左分支,所以会回到前一种情况。


class Solution {
    TreeNode* deleteNode(TreeNode* root, int key) {
        // case 0: tree not exist, return nullptr
        if (!root) return nullptr;

        if (root->val > key) {
            // case 1: target node is smaller than root, search it on left subtree
            root->left = deleteNode(root->left, key);
        } else if (root->val < key) {
            // case 2: target node is larger than root, search it on left subtree
            root->right = deleteNode(root->right, key);
        } else {
            // case 3.1: target node is root, if one of its subtree is empty;
            // we can replace root with the other subtree's root
            if (!root->left || !root->right) {
                root = (root->left) ? root->left : root->right;
            } else {
                // case 3.2: two of its subtrees exists
                // we replace root with the smallest node of its right subtree, then delete that node
                TreeNode *target = root->right;
                while (target->left) target = target->left;
                root->val = target->val;
                root->right = deleteNode(root->right, target->val);
        return root;
  • 时间复杂度: O(n)
  • 空间复杂度: O(k) – 树最大深度
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